Gshopper - kupenga
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 2.0% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
Ko Gshopper tētahi papanga hokohoko tuihono kotahi e taea ai e ngā kiritaki te whakamahi i ngā hua o te ao. Mā runga i ngā tikanga hangarau matatau AI me ngā raraunga nui, ka tuku a Gshopper i ngā hua e tika ana mō ngā kiritaki.
Ko tā rātou mahi ngātahi me ngā hoa logistics ā-ao me ngā waitohu ā-ao kia taea ai te tuku mai i ngā whare putunga puta noa i te pae o te ao, ā, me te whai wāhi ki ngā utu whakaheke nui. Nā konei ka taea te whakaū i te tupono o ngā hua me te wa tuku poto ake.
Kei a Gshopper ngā waitohu pērā ki a Xiaomi, Rozi, Gohyo, Flurff, Gbasics, me Roborock, e tino rongonui ana mō ngā taputapu hiko.
Nga Taonga Whare me nga Hikohiko Tiaki Whaiaro me te Pharmacy Nga Taonga me nga Taonga Whare eHauora Maakete (tae atu ki nga Toa Hainamana) Kainga Ataata