United States

United States


Self Lender provides a unique opportunity for individuals looking to establish their credit history and improve their financial health. With a simple and accessible approach, the company offers credit builder accounts that allow consumers to save money while building credit.

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Square revolutionizes the way businesses manage transactions by offering a wide range of payment solutions designed for both solo entrepreneurs and large international chains. With Square's versatile tools, business owners can effortlessly run their operations from anywhere, ensuring maximum efficiency.

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Putunga Kaari nama Ratonga Nama, Ratonga Whakahaere Moni Kaari nama

ke uta ana
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Nau mai ki te wāhanga Pūtea o tā mātou pukapuka kōwhai ā-ipurangi. Kei konei ngā kamupene rerekē e whakarato ana i ngā momo ratonga pūtea whānui, mai i ngā pēke, ngā rōpū inihua, ki ngā kaitohutohu tahua me ngā kamupene mokete. E kitea ai ngā ratonga pai mōu, me te mōhio kei te mōhio ngā tohunga hei āwhina i a koe ki te whakatutuki i ō whāinga tahua.

Nō ngā pēke nui i Aotearoa ki ngā pēke ā-rohe nui, kei konei ngā ratonga pēke katoa e hiahiatia ana e koe. Ko ngā inihua hoki, he tautoko i a koe me tō whānau i ngā wā o te mate, te aituā, me ngā āhuatanga tāmi. Ahakoa he inihua whare, inihua waka, inihua hauora rānei, kua kapi katoa i ēnei kamupene.

Kei konei hoki ngā kaitohutohu pūtea, tā rātou mahi he āwhina i a koe ki te whakahaere i ōu moni. Kei te kimi pea koe i tētahi mahere penapena, he haumi rānei hei whakatipu i ō moni? Ko ngā kaitohutohu nei ka whai painga ki ngā tohungatanga me ngā rautaki mōu. Ā, mōu e whakaaro ana ki te hoko whare, ko ngā kamupene mokete hei arahi i a koe ki te whiwhi pūtea tika mō tō whare hou, kia ea ai ōu moemoeā.

Ko te wāhanga Pūtea nei, he nui ngā kōwhiringa mō ngā pūtea tangata, mō ngā pūtea pakihi hoki. Kia mataara ai ka angitu i roto i ō mahi pūtea katoa, whakamahia ngā kamupene pūtea e kitea ake nei.