2Game - kupenga
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He kaiwhakarato kēmu rorohiko ao a 2Game, e tuku ana i ngā CD Keys mō ngā kēmu PC hou rawa. Ka tūtohu nā rātou i ngā ki mō Steam, Xbox Live Gold me Xbox Game Pass. Kei te whakatū te 2Game i tētahi hapori kēmu e kākahu ana i ngā kaiwhakataetae mai i ngā whai wāhitanga rerekē o te ao.
Ka taea e ngā kaiwhakamahi te hono ki te hōtaka o 2Game me te tiki i ngā CD Keys me ngā utu kōmihana. Ka tuku āwhina rerekē te 2Game, pēnā i ngā tuku me ngā tauōhiko mō ngā taimane kēmu hou.
Kei te 2Game ngā hono i ngā pākiki me te koha ki ngā taumata kē muatere. Mā tēnei kāinga i kawea te whakamārama, ki te tūhura atu i ngā huihuinga, ngā hoko me ngā whakatairanga ka awhina i te hunga kēmu.