Localrent - kupenga
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Ko Localrent.com (i mua ko Myrentacar) he kaiwhakarato rīhi waka ā-ao e mahi ana ki Rūhia, Turkey, Cyprus, Mauritius, UAE, Kariki, Albania, Armenia, Croatia, Thailand, Spain, Iceland, Portugal, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Montenegro, me Georgia. E neke atu ana i te 150 ngā kamupene rīhi waka kei raro i tō rātou maru.
Ko te aronga matua o te kamupene ko te "Whakatau rīhi waka motuhake ki te utu pai rawa atu". Ahakoa tōna wāhi noho iti, kua tino angitu ā rātou mahi mō ngā tāpoi ā-whare i Rūhia.
Ko ngā painga mō ngā kaihoko: ko ngā rīhi katoa o te tāone i te wāhi kotahi, ko te paritē utu, ko te wā whakautu tere (1-3 meneti), ko te kōwhiri waka motuhake tae noa ki te kāri oro, ko te iti o te utu kāpata mō te rīhi, me ngā utu iti ake i ērā o ngā kaiwhakarato rīhi ā-ao.
He tino māmā hoki mō ngā whānau whai tamariki e hiahia ana ki te haere wā hararei, ā, kei te ngāwari ki te hanga mahere haere, me te utu mā te kāri.