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Introducing the world’s first Build Your Own Bundle featuring amazing games for the Oculus/Meta Quest VR device! Whether you’re new to the Quest VR, or a seasoned VR player, there’s something here for everyone. Feast your eyes on our exclusively curated selection, featuring many of the best Quest VR games across all your favorite genres. Customers will be able to select 3 or more titles from a selection of premium Meta Quest VR titles 3 Games for: $19.99 5 Games for: $29.99 9 Games for: $49.99
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Fanatical - bu 137,9 milliard dollarlik o'yinlar sanoatida faoliyat yurituvchi yetakchi raqamli o'yinlar ritelchisi. Kompaniya 200 mamlakatda 3 milliondan ortiq mijozlarga 62 milliondan ortiq o'yin kalitlarini sotgan.
Fanatical yetakchi o'yin ishlab chiqaruvchilar va nashriyotchilar bilan 900 dan ortiq bevosita hamkorlik aloqalariga ega. Kompaniyaning katalogida 5500 dan ortiq o'yinlar mavjud. SEGA, Bethesda, Warner Bros, Ubisoft, Capcom, Disney, 2K Games, Bandai Namco kabi yirik brendlarning so'nggi o'yin yangiliklarini taklif etadi.
Fanatical har kuni yangi va qiziqarli o'yin takliflarini taqdim etadi, shuningdek, Steam uchun maxsus o'yin barchalarini uch marta haftada chiqaradi. Bu mijozlarga ko'proq o'yinlardan zavq olish va sotib olish imkonini beradi.
Fanatical a'zolarni yangi o'yinlar va chegirmalar haqida muntazam ravishda xabardor qilib turadi va raqamli o'yinlarga bo'lgan ehtirosni yanada oshiradi.