IT Services & Yakapfava
· IT Services & Yakapfava
Adobe inozivikanwa pasi rose seyakakosha pakugadzira software. Vanopa zvishandiso zvakawanda zvevashandisi, kusanganisira Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Document Cloud, uye Adobe Stock, izvo zvinoita kuti vashandisi vakwanise kugadzira uye kubata zvirimo zvepamusoro.
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Envato - makuponi
Envato Elements inopa mukana usingagumi kuvanoda kugadzira uye vatambi vezvinyorwa kune zvishandiso zvinodarika miriyoni imwe nehafu. Iwe unokwanisa kuwana Templates, Fonts, mifananidzo, mavhidhiyo, uye zvimwe zvizhinji zveDhizaini zvaungashandisa mukugadzira kwako.
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NordVPN - makuponi
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 22.0% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
NordVPN inoshandisa tekinoroji yeCyberSec kuvharira kushambadzwa kusingadiwi uye kugadzirisa kuchengetedzwa kwemidziyo yako kana uri kushandisa Internet. NordVPN inobvumira vashandisi kufamba paInternet zvine chengetedzo uye pasina kubatwa nedzimwe nzvimbo.
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Hostinger inyanzvi mukupa web hosting inokwanisika asi ine mhando yepamusoro. Vakambosimbisa kuti zvakanaka kugamuchira mawebhusaiti kunogona kuve kwekukwanisika uye mhedzisiro yavo inoratidza kusimba kwebasa ravo.
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Emirates Draw - makuponi
Live the MEGA millionaire live! Win 100 MLN in Mega 7 draw!
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 3.5% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
Emirates Draw ibhizimisi rinobva muUAE rine chinangwa chikuru chekushandira munharaunda. Icho chiri pachena pakusimudzira uye kuita zviitiko, kutamba, uye zvigadzirwa zvinobatsira vanhu uye zvine mutoro kumagariro.
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McAfee is a leader in cybersecurity, providing comprehensive solutions that protect over 600 million devices worldwide. Their Total Protection antivirus software offers 24/7 real-time threat detection against ransomware, malware, and phishing attempts, ensuring that users can enjoy their online activities without the fear of cyber threats.
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Parallels kambani inopa zvigadziridzo zvekuwirirana pakati pemapuratifomu anokubvumidza kushandisa mashandisiro, mafaira, uye makomputa kubva kune imwe nzvimbo pane chero mudziyo kana sisitimu yekushandisa.
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Iubenda offers attorney-level software solutions designed to ensure websites and apps comply with GDPR, EU Cookie Law, CPRA, LGPD, and other privacy regulations. Trusted by over 90,000 clients in more than 100 countries, their services cater to a wide range of businesses, from simple blogs to enterprise websites.
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AdHeart - makuponi
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 233.4грн. of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
AdHeart chishandiso chiri nyore kushandisa chinobatsira mukutsvaga uye kuongorora ad creatives kubva pasi rese. Iine database hombe yemakreatives inopfuura mamiriyoni 801, AdHeart inopa vamwe mukana wekuongorora zviziviso zvese zvinorongwa kuburikidza neFacebook target advertising.
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Qustodio is the leading parental control app for families worldwide. It empowers parents with greater visibility into all of their kids’ online activity, including social networks.
verenga zvimwe
Kambani dziri muchikamu che IT Services & Soft dzinoita basa rakakosha mukusimudzira nekugadzirisa hutano hwebhizinesi kuburikidza nekusimbaradza mashandiro avo. Nokushandisa matekinoroji emazuva ano uye matekiniki epamusoro, makambani aya anopa mhinduro dzinosanganisira kugadzirisa matambudziko emahwikiro, kuchengetedzwa kwemashoko, uye kushandura nzira dzekuita kuti dzinyatsoenderana nezvinodiwa nevashandisi.
Kambani dzinopa IT Services dzinobatsira mukuvandudza huchokwadi hwemaitiro ebasa, nekuvapa mhinduro dzakakodzera dzinowedzera kubudirira kwevanhu vari mukambani. Maitiro aya anosanganisira maneja wechirongwa, kubatana kwechikwata, uye nharaunda dzemagariro ekufambisa mabasa akasiyana siyana. Ameru, mhando dzemigumisiro yebasa dzinowanikwa, uye izvi zvinobatsira mumitsetse yemari yebhizinesi.
IT Services & Soft inobatsira mukusimudzira kugadzirwa kwemapurogiramu akangwara uye akagadzirirwa mhinduro dzinoenderana nesangano kana bhizinesi racho. Izvi zvinosanganisira kugadzira software yekugadzirisa mabasa, kugadzirisa mapuratifomu ekubatanidza uye kuchengeteka kwemashoko. Nokushandisa matekinoroji matsva ari kuenderera mberi, kambani dzinoita zvitsva zvinovimbisa kuti bhizinesi rinonyatsoshanda uye rinokwanisawo kukura.
Chikamu che IT Services & Soft chinosanganisira zvikamu zvakawanda, kusanganisira data analysis, cloud computing, cybersecurity uye mobile application development. Izvi zvikamu zvinobatsira mukupa kutyaira uye simba kushanda kwemabhizinesi nekusimudza hutano hwemashandisirwo ematekinoroji nemaindasitiri. Nenzira iyi, kambani dzinochikwata chinochengetedza kuti hutano hwekutakura uye kutevedzera nzira dzekuvandudza humhizha hunoramba huri padanho.