Osebna nega in lekarna
· Osebna nega in lekarna
IPSY is the world's largest beauty subscription service, boasting more than 3 million active members and having shipped over 1 billion products. Since its founding in 2011, IPSY has been dedicated to inspiring individuals to express their unique beauty while making the beauty industry more inclusive and welcoming.
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ColourPop - kuponi
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 2.4% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at https://giftmio.com/info/faqs/
ColourPop is a beauty brand founded in 2014 by Seed Beauty in the vibrant culture of California. Known for its wallet-friendly prices and cruelty-free ethos, ColourPop delivers innovative products that excite beauty enthusiasts.
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Horace is a brand established in November 2016 by Marc Briant-Terlet and Kim Mazzilli to help all men feel good about themselves. Horace focuses on inclusivity, accessibility, and community-driven products that meet the needs and preferences of its users.
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Alibaba - kuponi
Veljavno do: 31/3/2025
Promocijska koda: ALIADMIT30
1. Exclusive promo code benefits for you/your company: Get $30 off for orders over $100. Tracking link: https://offer.alibaba.com/cps/k50vn61p?bm=cps&src=saf 2. How buyers use the code: 1) The first method: Buyers copy the promo code -> search for the promo code on the Alibaba.com search bar -> jump to the specified code URL page -> then redeem the corresponding coupon. 2) The second method: Users directly open the specified code URL page -> then redeem the corresponding coupon. 3. Applicable conditions: ● This discount code is only applicable to new buyers who have not made any transactions on Alibaba.com before; ● Once claimed, the coupon is valid for 30 days. The final amount of your order after discount and including shipping fees must be at least US $1. ● Detailed rules ○ Offer period: September 11, 2024 to March 21, 2025 (Pacific Time). ○ Single store orders: This offer is valid for transactions with a single store only and cannot be applied across multiple stores. If you apply for a refund on an order that has already benefited from this offer, the coupon will be reinstated and can be used again. ○ Currency conversion: If you transact in a non-USD currency, the discount value might change due to currency exchange rates. ○ Promotion interpretation: Alibaba.com reserves the right to the final interpretation of this promotional offer. Warm reminder: Users who have downloaded the Alibaba.com APP, please update the APP to the latest version (version 8.62.0 or above) before receiving the coupon. For iOS devices, it is best to place APP ads directly instead of placing WAP ads.
Veljavno do: 13/6/2029
Alibaba Guaranteed products. Over 80% below retail price with spotlight on other savings. First-time users of Alibaba Guaranteed products in the United States can enjoy additional benefit of free shipping (capped at $20). Type: Special promotion Categories: ALL Region: NO,NZ,SK,PT,CZ,HU,GR,RO,IE,BG,HR,RS,AL,LT,BA,IS,LV,EE,MK,SI,AD,LU,MD,MT,GL,AM,ME,MC,GI,FO,GG,LI,VN,TH,ID,PH,SG,JP,KR
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 2.7% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at https://giftmio.com/info/faqs/
Alibaba.com je bila ustanovljena leta 1999 in je danes največja svetovna spletna platforma za B2B trgovino. Spletna stran ponuja desetine milijonov izdelkov, vključno z elektroniko, oblačili, kozmetiko, gospodinjskimi izdelki in še veliko več.
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Igrače, otroci in dojenčki Pohištvo in oprema za dom Darila in rože Hobi in pisalne potrebščine Oblačila, obutev, dodatki Osebna nega in lekarna Ročna in električna orodja Tržnice (vključno s kitajskimi trgovinami) Dodatki za avtomobile in kolesa Gospodinjski aparati in elektronika Šport & Na prostem
Marie Fresh Cosmetics - kuponi
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 6.0% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at https://giftmio.com/info/faqs/
-5% на комплекти з доглядовою косметикою
Безкоштовна доставка на замовлення на суму від 1000 грн
Marie Fresh Cosmetics je blagovna znamka, ki ponuja naravno kozmetiko z dokazano učinkovitostjo. Z več kot 5 leti izkušenj v lastni proizvodnji v laboratoriju, ki je certificiran po evropskih GMP standardih, zagotavljajo kakovost in varnost svojih izdelkov.
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Neal’s Yard Remedies is a renowned brand in the health and beauty industry, dedicated to producing natural and organic products. Originating from Covent Garden in London, Neal’s Yard Remedies brings a holistic approach to beauty and wellbeing.
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Mira Fertility - kuponi
Promocijska koda: mbb17
One-time purchase per customer (Excludes wands bundle and pregnancy bundle).
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 7.7$ of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at https://giftmio.com/info/faqs/
Mira Fertility je inovativna tehnologija, ki milijonom žensk omogoča boljše razumevanje njihove plodnosti in zdravja. S pomočjo naprednih metod sledenja ovulaciji in plodnosti, Mira Fertility omogoča natančno analizo in spremljanje plodnostnih ciklov.
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OK Beauty - kuponi
Promocijska koda: cashback
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 4.0% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at https://giftmio.com/info/faqs/
OK Beauty je domači brand kozmetike, ki je zelo priljubljen v Rusiji. Njihova paleta izdelkov obsega več kot 80 kozmetičnih izdelkov, ki so zasnovani za zadovoljstvo potreb kupcev. Podjetje verjame v kakovost in učinkovitost svojih izdelkov, kar dokazujejo pozitivne izkušnje uporabnic.
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Nadula Hair je blagovna znamka, ki že od svojega začetka sledi načelom naravnosti, trajnosti in luksuza. Njihov cilj je spodbujati ženske, da so samozavestne, drzne in pogumne, ter da izražajo svojo pravo jaz.
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Tržnice (vključno s kitajskimi trgovinami) Oblačila, obutev, dodatki Osebna nega in lekarna
Gshopper - kuponi
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 2.0% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at https://giftmio.com/info/faqs/
Gshopper je enotna e-commerce platforma, ki omogoča strankam življenje z globalnim življenjskim slogom. Platforma združuje globalne trgovce in potrošnike, kar omogoča dostop do najbolj primernih izdelkov.
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Gospodinjski aparati in elektronika Osebna nega in lekarna Pohištvo in oprema za dom eZdravje Tržnice (vključno s kitajskimi trgovinami) Pametni dom
Kategorija osebne nege in farmacije zajema širok spekter podjetij, ki nudijo izdelke in storitve za ohranjanje zdravja in dobrega počutja. Med njimi so lekarne, drogerije, saloni za nego telesa in zdravilišča. Ta podjetja ponujajo različne izdelke in storitve, kot so zdravila na recept, prehranska dopolnila, kozmetični izdelki, masaže, aromaterapija in druge oblike alternativne medicine.
Lekarne so ključni del te kategorije, saj zagotavljajo dostop do pomembnih zdravil ter svetovanje za pravilno in varno uporabo le-teh. Poleg običajnih lekarn najdete tudi specializirane lekarn, ki ponujajo homeopatska zdravila, zeliščne pripravke in druge naravne rešitve za različne zdravstvene težave. Drogerije pa so odlična izbira za tiste, ki iščejo kozmetične izdelke, izdelke za osebno higieno ter druge pripomočke za vsakodnevno uporabo.
Saloni za nego telesa imajo pomembno vlogo pri zagotavljanju dobrega počutja, saj nudijo storitve kot so masaže, nega obraza, pedikura in manikura. Zdravilišča pa so namenjena sprostitvi in regeneraciji telesa z uporabo različnih terapevtskih tehnik, kot so obloge, savne, kopeli in wellness programi. V tej kategoriji najdete tudi številna podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z alternativno medicino, kot so akupunktura, refleksoterapija in homeopatija.
Če iščete izdelke ali storitve za osebno nego in farmacijo, boste v tej kategoriji našli pestro ponudbo podjetij, ki vam lahko pomagajo pri ohranjanju zdravja in dobrega počutja. Ne glede na to, ali potrebujete zdravila, kozmetične izdelke ali sprostitvene storitve, vam ta kategorija omogoča enostaven dostop do različnih strokovnjakov in ponudnikov storitev.