Openhagen - kupuni
Kodiċi promozzjonali: cashback
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 5.0% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
Kodiċi promozzjonali: ADM15
Dear Publisher, I hope this message finds you well. I am a representative of Openhagen, where we have created the world's most innovative collection of musical accessories includes World's only collapsible guitar hanger, smart wooden projector and much more high-end accessories that enable you to express yourself through sound and style in unprecedented ways. We are constantly seeking new partners to expand our reach, and I am confident that our collaboration will be mutually beneficial. To enhance our partnership, we are offering an exciting commission structure and bonus program: We will increase the commission rate on all orders to 15%, effective until June 30, 2024. For the first order with an amount of $200 or more, an additional fixed bonus of $10 will be awarded. If the order amount is less than $200, an additional fixed bonus of $5 will be provided. This offer is valid until June 30, 2024. We place great emphasis on driving traffic growth and would like to invite you to feature our ad creatives in your advertising space. We believe that this exposure will lead to increased clicks and conversions, benefiting both of us. We are eager to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you and achieve shared success. If you are interested in our proposal, we would be delighted to discuss the details further and formalize our cooperation. Looking forward to your positive response. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, Muri [Founder & CEO] Openhagen
Il-kollezzjoni ta’ Openhagen tinkludi wkoll proġetturi tal-injam bʼteknoloġija intelliġenti, li jiffaċilitaw l-espressjoni tal-mużika b'ħafna modi ġodda. Hemm ukoll varjetà ta' prodotti ta' kwalità għolja li jappoġġjaw l-artistika u l-mużika ta’ kull individwu.
B'Openhagen, il-kumpanija tintegra innovazzjoni u stil fil-ħajja ta' kull ħaġa li tagħmel. Il-mira tagħhom hija li jagħtu lill-konsumaturi esperjenzi uniku fil-qasam tal-mużika, bil-prodotti tagħhom li joffru riżultati eċċellenti u ġeneraw ispirazzjoni.