· Hotelak - kupoiak
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 2.8% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
promo code is not required Products: Hotels Campaign Period: 2021/02/06 – Ongoing munduko liderra den online bidaia agentzia bat da. Group taldeko parte da, eta Nasdaq-en kotizatzen du 2003az geroztik. 45.100 langile baino gehiago eta 400 milioi erabiltzaile ditu. 200 herrialde eta eskualde baino gehiagotan 1,4 milioi hotel dituela, bezeroei ostatatzeko aukera paregabeak eskaintzen dizkie.
irakurri gehiago
Uniplaces - kupoiak
Promozio kodea: cashback
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 8.8% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
Uniplaces 2013an sortu zenetik, ikasleentzako nazioarteko aterpetxeen erreserbak egiteko erreferentziazko gunea bihurtu da. Enpresak ikasleei beren beharrak, gustuak eta aurrekontuak betetzen dituzten aterpetxeak aurkitzen laguntzen die.
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City Travel nazioarteko online erreserba zerbitzu da, hoteletan eta hegaldi-txarteletan espezializatua. Plataforma honen bidez, erabiltzaileek 400.000 hoteletik gora aukeratu ahal izango dituzte eta 600 aire konpainia baino gehiagoren hegaldi-txartelak erosi ahal izango dituzte.
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Italiarail - kupoiak
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 1.6% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
Italiarail Italiako tren-bidaietan aditua da eta preziorik baxuenak bermatzen ditu. Erabiltzaileek tren-txartelak eros ditzakete webgunearen bidez, Trenitalia txartel-sistemarekin zuzenean konektatuta dagoena.
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Wego Asia-Pazifiko eta Ekialde Hurbileko eskualdeetan bizi diren bidaiarientzako bilatzaile webgune sarituak eta aplikazio mugikorrak eskaintzen dituen enpresa da. Teknologia boteretsu baina erraz erabiltzeko modukoa erabiliz, hegazkin, hotel eta bidaia agentzia onlineko ehunka webguneetatik emaitzak bilatzeko eta konparatzeko prozesua automatizatzen du.
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Agoda munduko hotelen lineako erreserba plataformen artean azkarren hazten ari dena da. Sistema honetan 100,000 hotel baino gehiago sartzen dira eta 38 hizkuntzatan eskaintzen ditu zerbitzuak.
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Marriott International munduko hotel sare nagusietako bat da, 131 herrialdetan 7000+ hotela baino gehiago dituena. Marriott ostatu aukera zabal bat eskaintzen du, edonolako bidaiari eta aurrekontuetarako.
irakurri gehiago
Rayna Tours and Travels - kupoiak
Inclusions Sea turtle experience is for 1 hour approximately. Admission to Dugong or Sea Turtle experience. Interact closely with Malquot, a rescued dugong. Share a lettuce treat amidst swimming sea turtles. Participants must be minimum 2 years old.
landing page: Inclusions Sea turtle experience is for 1 hour approximately. Admission to Dugong or Sea Turtle experience. Interact closely with Malquot, a rescued dugong. Share a lettuce treat amidst swimming sea turtles. Participants must be minimum 2 years old.
Inclusions Sea turtle experience is for 1 hour approximately. Admission to Dugong or Sea Turtle experience. Interact closely with Malquot, a rescued dugong. Share a lettuce treat amidst swimming sea turtles. Participants must be minimum 2 years old.
landing page: Inclusions Sea turtle experience is for 1 hour approximately. Admission to Dugong or Sea Turtle experience. Interact closely with Malquot, a rescued dugong. Share a lettuce treat amidst swimming sea turtles. Participants must be minimum 2 years old.
Inclusions Sea turtle experience is for 1 hour approximately. Admission to Dugong or Sea Turtle experience. Interact closely with Malquot, a rescued dugong. Share a lettuce treat amidst swimming sea turtles. Participants must be minimum 2 years old.
landing page: Inclusions Services provided as per the booked transfers: ticket-only, sharing or private. One-day admission to either Warner Bros World Abu Dhabi Access to all rides, attractions, and shows within the chosen park Validity as per the date mentioned on ticket Please note that the ticket is for single park entry only
landing page: Inclusions Services provided as per the booked transfers: ticket-only, sharing or private. One-day admission to Warner Bros World Abu Dhabi Access to all rides, attractions, and shows within the chosen park Validity as per the date mentioned on ticket Please note that the ticket is for single park entry only
landing page: Inclusions Services provided as per the booked transfers: ticket-only, sharing or private. One-day admission to Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Access to all rides, attractions, and shows within the chosen park Validity as per the date mentioned on ticket Please note that the ticket is for single park entry only
landing page: Inclusions Services provided as per the booked transfers: ticket-only, sharing or private. One-day admission to Warner Bros World Abu Dhabi Access to all rides, attractions, and shows within the chosen park Validity as per the date mentioned on ticket Please note that the ticket is for single park entry only
landing page: Inclusions Services provided as per the booked transfers: ticket-only, sharing or private. One-day admission to Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Access to all rides, attractions, and shows within the chosen park Validity as per the date mentioned on ticket Please note that the ticket is for single park entry only
*T&C apply (The discount amount may vary based on the specific tour) Exclusions: All Skydive Dubai tours Please be informed that if there is no usage by your personal promo code within 60 days, the promo code will be automatically withdrawn.
Was 355 AED, now 295 AED Landing page: *T&C apply Dubai Parks and Resorts Inclusions Choose your ideal Dubai Parks and Resorts™ ticket which allows you to add up to two theme parks. Enjoy access to dining and leisure attractions at Riverland™ Dubai Immerse yourself in the marvelous Hollywood based rides, or exclusive family themed attractions at LEGOLAND® Dubai Transfers - If option selected Dubai Parks and Resorts How to Redeem To redeem your tickets, please ensure you have either your E-tickets or printed copies with you. Approach the turnstiles and place your tickets against the scanner. Once scanned, you can proceed to enter the venue and embark on a memorable trip.
Paramotor Adventure Tour Inclusions 20 minutes paramotor flight Unparalleled desert views with sightings of indigenous flora and fauna Desert sunrise or sunset views Access to the services of an experienced and trained pilot Private hotel transfers (subject to the package choice) Refreshments Paramotor Adventure Tour Important Information Please carry a valid ID (Passport/Any Govt. ID) proof along with you. (Without any valid ID passengers are not allowed to fly) The waiver form needs to be filled out 24 hours before the flight. Please fill out the Wavier Form and submit the form online. Weight eligibility criteria: Max 110 kg Height eligibility criteria: Min 140 Cm and above. Pregnant Woman will not be allowed to fly, Anyone under the influence of Alcohol or any other drugs is strictly not allowed to fly. Any person who has a Serious Heart problem / serious knee & back pain/broken leg/arm has undergone major surgery during the last 6 months and suffering from height phobia is not recommended for this activity. Disabilities covering mental health and emotional / Physical disabilities are not allowed Also, all passengers will need to sign the declaration that he/she doesn’t have the above problems (Mandatory) Transfer pick-up/drop-off timing can be modified as per the trip schedule by 30 to 60 minutes, depending on traffic conditions and your location.
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 4.0% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at
Rayna Tours and Travels 2006an EAE-n abiatutako bidaia eta ostatu zerbitzu enpresa ezaguna da. Konpainiak kalitate handiko zerbitzuak eskaintzen ditu, bidaiariei gehienezko erraztasuna eta segurtasuna bermatzeko.
irakurri gehiago
Hostelworld mundu mailako ostatuetan oinarritutako erreserba-plataforma da, bidaiari sutsuak inspiratzeko eta beren munduko abenturak partekatzeko aukera ematen diena.
irakurri gehiago
GoTrip 2016an Georgia-n sortu zen eta gaur egun turista atrakzioetarako transferentziak antolatzeko plataforma liderra da. Plataforma honek bidaiariak gidari pribatuak aurkitzeko eta ibilgailua hautatzeko aukera ematen du, bidaiariek aukeratutako ibilbideari jarraiki garraioa egiteko.
irakurri gehiago
Hotelak Pakete Oporrak Ibilaldiak eta Taxia Oporretarako Alokairuak Ibilbideak Autobusak Autoa partekatzea Metabilatzaileak Hegaldiak Trenak Gurutzaldiak Autoen alokairua
Euskal Herrian dauden hotelak zure esku dituzu hemen. Hemen aurkituko dituzu hainbat aukera, zure behar eta gustuen arabera aukeratzeko. Hiritik ihes egin eta naturaz gozatzeko edo hiri erdigunean kokatutako hotel modernoak nahi dituzun erabakitzen duzun momentu batean, hemen topatuko duzu behar duzuna.
Euskadiko hotel ugari historia eta kultura aberatsa eskaintzen dizkizute. Gainera, askok inguruko paisaia ikusgarriak eskaintzen dituzte, eta sukaldaritza bikain batekin gozatzeko aukera ematen dute. Horri esker, zure egonaldia esperientzia ahaztezina bihurtuko da.
Ez dio axola zure bidaia motiboak, gure hotel zerrendak zure beharretara egokituko diren aukera ugari izango ditu. Etxe abegikor txikiak edota luxuzko hotel handiak aurki ditzakezu hemen. Euskal Herrian zure hurrengo oporrak planeatzen hasi aurretik, begiratu gure hotel eskaintzak eta entzun zuri egokienak.
Hemen aurkeztutako hotelak kalitatezko zerbitzuak eta erosotasuna eskaintzeko konpromisoa hartzen dute. Beraz, lasai egon zaitezke zure erreserba egitean, beno baitakigu zure egonaldia atsegina izango dela.