Alibaba - cupons
Vàlid fins: 31/3/2025
Codi promocional: ALIADMIT30
1. Exclusive promo code benefits for you/your company: Get $30 off for orders over $100. Tracking link: 2. How buyers use the code: 1) The first method: Buyers copy the promo code -> search for the promo code on the search bar -> jump to the specified code URL page -> then redeem the corresponding coupon. 2) The second method: Users directly open the specified code URL page -> then redeem the corresponding coupon. 3. Applicable conditions: ● This discount code is only applicable to new buyers who have not made any transactions on before; ● Once claimed, the coupon is valid for 30 days. The final amount of your order after discount and including shipping fees must be at least US $1. ● Detailed rules ○ Offer period: September 11, 2024 to March 21, 2025 (Pacific Time). ○ Single store orders: This offer is valid for transactions with a single store only and cannot be applied across multiple stores. If you apply for a refund on an order that has already benefited from this offer, the coupon will be reinstated and can be used again. ○ Currency conversion: If you transact in a non-USD currency, the discount value might change due to currency exchange rates. ○ Promotion interpretation: reserves the right to the final interpretation of this promotional offer. Warm reminder: Users who have downloaded the APP, please update the APP to the latest version (version 8.62.0 or above) before receiving the coupon. For iOS devices, it is best to place APP ads directly instead of placing WAP ads.
Vàlid fins: 13/6/2029
Alibaba Guaranteed products. Over 80% below retail price with spotlight on other savings. First-time users of Alibaba Guaranteed products in the United States can enjoy additional benefit of free shipping (capped at $20). Type: Special promotion Categories: ALL Region: NO,NZ,SK,PT,CZ,HU,GR,RO,IE,BG,HR,RS,AL,LT,BA,IS,LV,EE,MK,SI,AD,LU,MD,MT,GL,AM,ME,MC,GI,FO,GG,LI,VN,TH,ID,PH,SG,JP,KR
Make a purchase in this store through the cashback service Giftmio and get up to 2.7% of the order amount, as well as a welcome bonus for new users. The size of the bonus depends on the country, you can check it on the official giftmio website at, llançada el 1999, és la plataforma en línia més gran del món per al comerç B2B. Aquesta plataforma permet als proveïdors mostrar els seus productes a compradors de més de 200 països, cobrint una àmplia gamma de categories com l'electrònica, la roba, la cosmètica i molt més.
La missió d'Alibaba és fer accessible la gestió empresarial per a tothom. Això es reflecteix en la gran quantitat de productes disponibles a la plataforma i en les eines que ofereixen tant als proveïdors com als compradors per facilitar les seves transaccions.
Amb centenars de milions de productes de més de 40 categories diferents, Alibaba és una font inigualable per a qualsevol necessitat comercial. Cada dia, milers de compradors i proveïdors intercanvien missatges i negocien a través de la plataforma, demostrant la seva eficiència i abast global.
Joguines, nens i nadons Mobles i parament per a la llar Regals i flors Hobby i papereria Roba, calçat, complements Cura Personal i Farmàcia Eines manuals i elèctriques Mercats (incloses les botigues xineses) Accessoris per a cotxes i bicicletes Electrodomèstics i electrònica Esports i a l'aire lliure