Planner 5D
Planner 5D - coupons
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Planner 5D is a user-friendly cross-platform tool for interior design and home planning, currently utilized by more than 65 million people globally. This service leverages machine learning, AI, and other cutting-edge technologies to make the process of interior design accessible and engaging, even for those without prior design experience.
The primary audience for Planner 5D consists of women (53%) over the age of 25, predominantly residing in large cities. Most users seek inspiration and ideas for their apartments, rooms, or houses. Some are looking for solutions for newly acquired spaces, while others are simply eager to learn more about interior design.
Key features include a constantly updated furniture catalog with over 6,500 elements, the ability to view projects in 2D and 3D, and AR capabilities on iOS. Users can produce high-quality renders to share on social media or include in personal portfolios. Additionally, the tool offers automatic plan recognition, converting plans into digital copies with one click using artificial intelligence.
Planner 5D is accessible on multiple platforms including Web, iOS, Android, Windows 10, and macOS, allowing users to start a project on one platform and finish it on another. The platform is available in 11 languages for the web version and 30 languages on mobile devices. Moreover, it features its own Design School, which offers certification upon completion, and hosts weekly user competitions.