Dragon Lord
In the vast universe of Dragon Lord, players are invited to engage in epic battles where orcs, elves, humans, and dragons clash for dominance. These are times of chaos and havoc, with the Lord of the Dark Dragons spreading fear and panic across the continent.
Players must build their castles, gather loyal troops, and form alliances to take down the dark empire. The game offers a variety of heroes to recruit, from crafty witches to fire-breathing demons, ensuring a diverse and strategic gameplay experience.
With powerful combinations of magic and skills, players can tame sturdy mounts and mighty dragons embodying the powers of Ice, Earth, and Fire. They can also create unique and devastating weapons in the smithy, enhancing their arsenal for battle.
Dragon Lord encourages players to create or join clans and lead their allies to victory in global events. For those looking to test their skills, the PVP-arena offers intense battles against other worthy rulers.